Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013 Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone!

So first off, yesterday was FREEZING!! When we came out of church it was 28 degrees. By the time we went in for the night it was 25. I'm pretty sure it got down into the teens last night. I was sooo cold. Thankfully, some members in our ward came over last night to check out our heat and put the window panes on. In the house we have these windows that crank open with just a screen behind it, plus our house is heated by oil, so downstairs the oil pipes run under the floor and heat downstairs. Upstairs, where Sister Whitaker and I sleep and study, it is a whole different story. The oil doesn't run up there; there are only these heater things at the base of the floor in each room that only a little heat comes out. Anyway, since there was only a screen behind the crank windows, we would constantly have a draft of cold wind blowing in each night. Luckily, the members that came over to help last night knew how to change the screen and put up the window pane so now there's not that much of a draft. I still froze a little bit though last night. I even slept in a hoodie, sweats, and I had a heating pad turned on. I'm going to freeze this winter....

Today we put up the Christmas tree and some lights :). I'm so excited for Christmas. I also went and got some snow boots because I believe it's supposed to snow on Wednesday. On Thanksgiving we're not supposed to proselyte so we're not really sure what we're supposed to do all day. I think it's kind of interesting that we're not proselyting because it says in the white handbook that holidays are the best days to proselyte. But we have 3 different meal appointments to go to, so I'm not too worried about missing out on all the food. This ward definitely takes care of us.

This past week we had some wonderful miracles! Tuesday we went on exchanges with the other sisters in our house. It was neat to see the other side of our ward that I don't get to see. That night Sister Whitaker and Sister Handy met with Isatu (pronounced i-saw-two) who was a member referral. They taught her the Message of the Restoration and invited her to be baptized and she said yes! They set a date for January 5th with her. She also came to church yesterday! Isatu is from Africa - I'm not really sure where, but she doesn't always understand everything we say, so the member who referred us to her explains what we teach. He's also from Africa.

Wednesday we had zone conference and it was so good! I believe that everything was truly inspired at this meeting. We talked a lot about teaching by the Spirit and also using the pamphlets to teach a ten minute lesson. The goal is to get them down to 7 minutes, but we started with ten. I definitely needed to hear everything that they talked about at zone conference. That night we had an appointment with Fernando who's wife is a member. Fernando was referred to us by a member as well (not his wife). We found out that Fernando has met with the missionaries before and that he knows the Book of Mormon is true. We also taught him the Message of the Restoration using the pamphlets this time and invited him to be baptized on January 4th, and he said yes! He also came to sacrament meeting yesterday. 

Friday we did a little bit of tracting in Reading using the pamphlets and we got a new investigator from using them! We also ran into a guy named Juan who sat next to a lady on an airplane who is LDS and gave him a Book of Mormon. He said he thought about coming to our church one time but he didn't. We invited him to come yesterday but he never showed up.

Saturday we got a lesson in with an eternal investigator, Nicole, who we can hardly ever catch at home. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and found out that she doesn't believe or understand some of the things in the plan. It was good to figure that out before she was baptized. She's set a lot of baptism dates in the past but always falls through with them. She has one for Dec. 8th right now, but I don't think she's going to make it. She's still smoking and won't come to church...

We also had a very powerful/spiritual lesson with Sheila on Saturday. We taught her the gospel and really related it to her and how she can utilize the Atonement in her life. We were also able to count her as reactivated yesterday because she's come to church for at least 2 times for 2 consecutive months now. Sheila is definitely making some great progress and it's wonderful to see that change in her. 

Well that's about it for my week. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Stay warm! I love you all! 

Sister Davis

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